HRIS Play 2/10: Building an Org Chart that Works

Timothy Partasevitch
Chief Growth Officer and Co-Founder of Juggl
Last updated: Apr 04, 2024

While creating and maintaining an org chart may seem routine, it holds the key to unlocking a myriad of benefits for your organization. Today, we'll explore how you can kick-start your organizational chart to drive performance and alignment.


  1. Your organization is gearing up for growth and expanding internationally. You want to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  2. Your organization hires people abroad and it needs to track all dependencies and locations.

By generating or revitalizing your organizational chart, you can create clarity around roles, responsibilities, and reporting structures, empowering your team to work cohesively towards shared goals.


  • Each row represents an employee.
  • Columns include Employee ID, Employee Name, Position, Department, and Manager ID.
  • The "Location" column specifies the physical location where the employee is based.
  • The "Project" column indicates the specific project or assignment that the employee is currently working on, if applicable.
  • These additional columns can help provide more context and clarity within the organization, especially in larger or geographically dispersed teams.
  • The "Manager ID" column now represents a hierarchical relationship. Each manager's Employee ID is listed in the "Manager ID" column of their direct reports.
  • The CEO (John Doe) has no manager, so their Manager ID is blank or marked with a hyphen ("-").
  • Employees are grouped by department, and each department has its own manager.

This Excel table can serve as a foundation for building an organizational chart for your company. You can use Excel's features like data validation, conditional formatting, and formulas to create a visual representation of the hierarchy based on this data.

HRIS example - Juggl

With an HRIS system like Juggl, you can automatically create an org chart. Here you just need to update the directory entry for the employee.

You can change

  • Department
  • Lead dependancy
  • Personal HR manager, who is responsible for this particular Employee.

All important information should appear on your org chart, which updates automatically.

Juggl's Org Chart example

Expected Results

By kick-starting your organizational chart:

  • Keeping your distributed teams connected.
  • Gaining a comprehensive overview of your company.
  • Facilitating newcomers' access to peer information.
  • Collaborating effectively towards shared objectives.

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